• Young Man, You Are Too Young, Too Simple

    Young Man, You Are Too Young, Too Simple

    “Young man, your chastity was lost.” “Σ ( ° △ °|||)!!” Give up your virginity to save the world! Our motto is–” “I didn’t think it would be bent, la la la la la!” Marching under the flag of HE, continue fighting in this 1V1 battle for a century. Although the data is incomplete, the story is guaranteed to have: the end of the world , false FZ , scapegoat substitute, rebirth, NPC, alpha/beta/omega verse, childhood friends, cultivation, getting back together, animal transformation, and martial arts, in no particular order. This novel is also known as 《Virtuous integrity, virtuous integrity, where are you going~ This system will go with you to lose your virginity The story of a certain young man’s extreme suffering.》 This novel can also be named 《The danger of eating grapes without spitting out the skin: if you eat it with the skin on, you will transmigrate.》

    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance

    Updated Time: May 07, 2019